Target your ads by medical specialty, medical school, medical exam, city, country. Nowhere else on internet you would find another platform offering you the specific targeting RxPG can offer.
With advertisement packages starting from $1 a day, it could not get more economical to target one of the most affluent demographic.
Our dedicated sales team supports advertisers throughout their campaign cycle. We believe this is the only way to ensure the maximum return on investment, both yours and ours.
We only allow doctors and medical students to sign up to use RxPG platform. Most RxPG members are between 18-34 years of age, which are the formative years for any doctor for a lifelong career in medicine. This age group is also seven times more likely to be pursuing one or more additional educational opportunity. They are also sixteen times more likely to purchase an online medical course (2011, Internal Survey). This makes RxPG an unmissable opportunity for any provider in the medical education field. For companies with a strategic focus on brand building in medical domain, we can only say that the young doctors are the future opinion leaders.
For over ten years, RxPG has built a dedicated audience amongst medical students and young doctors. RxPG as a brand name is respected and trusted by millions of medicos all over the world. That's why the majority of our pageviews come from people who visit more than 20 pages on each visit. To honour this trust, we only partner with the most relevant advertisers whose products add value to our platform. We believe that our approach fosters trust in the advertisers choosing RxPG platform and transfer the goodwill enjoyed by us to your products and services.
Only RxPG can provide you with the depth and reach amongst millions of young doctors and medical students. Not only this, you can also drill down our demographic to pinpoint your potential customers by our sophisticated data driven backend. Reach doctors by specialty, exam and year of qualification or institution where they are studying. Reap the benefits of ad delivery by one of the most advanced adserver (DFP) in industry. Track conversions at your end, so that you never again have to rely on third party reports.